Output file names contain a date and time, as well as the name of the data source file. Graphic output can be in PDF, RTF, JPG or PNG. RTF files appear best when opened in Word. Numeric results can also be exported in tab delimited format, TXT.
All graphical and RTF output display the corresponding data source filename to clearly identify the data under analysis, and a timestamp of the time of analysis. Each parameter used to call the analysis is documented in the output file, including the column name being analyzed (or averaged), and the starting and ending times of analysis, as they vary slightly from the full data set (Lum to binEnd).
All graphical and RTF output display the corresponding data source filename to clearly identify the data under analysis, and a timestamp of the time of analysis. Each parameter used to call the analysis is documented in the output file, including the column name being analyzed (or averaged), and the starting and ending times of analysis, as they vary slightly from the full data set (Lum to binEnd).